Thursday, 31 March 2011

Best Song Ever Category

I always hate it when people ask me what my favourite band is, it seems such a gross simplification and injustice to all the music you are implicitly shunning, to say this is my favourite. I find it quite a facile concept to single just one note from all the possible others and say this is the greatest. Maybe i'm just not musically monogamous. Here's to polygamy.
 And as for having a favourite song, well, just don't get me started...Hence my new invention the "Best Song Ever" category. In this I am going to select one special song that I think is worthy of being someones "best ever song", and say a few words about it. This should keep me busy: I have a lot of favourite songs!
                So onto #1 in this new creation. I have chosen, completely at random, Feist's Past In Present.
I love love love her voice, and although she isn't pushed to the max here vocally, the understatement and directness of the lyrics / melody just totally does it for me. Was there ever a more pertinent, truer lyric than  "there's so much past inside my present" ? I think that no matter whose past it is that's in question, the sentiment  is pretty much universal. To nail such a complex idea in one line is commendable, to make it hummable and danceable,whilst avoiding moroseness is downright brilliant. Add some fantastic, slidey minmal guitar playing, with some well judged handclaps and you have a magical two minutes fifty three seconds.

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