Sunday, 24 April 2011


One of my favourite bands, Wilco, have a new album in the offing, which is due for release on their own newly created record label later this year. Here's a snippet of the, undoubted jewels, to follow; namely, a fantastic, acoustically rendered new song!
        Note the typically awesome, opaque- but- somehow- profound Wilco lyrics: "mine eyes have seen the fury, soul flattered by fate." What does that mean exactly? No, me neither!  But good lyrics should never (in my humble opinion) be wholly explicable. And complex emotion doesn't manifest itself in black and whites.
 Tweedy is still fighting his earnest metaphysical battles for all the world to hear. "Sadness is my luxury", he sings, well, the luxury may be his, but the pleasure is all ours. 

Wait, here's another one!  check it out its similarly ace.

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