Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Lucky Americans

Just  a brief one today- I've been getting severe gig envy what with all my friends going to Glastonbury this year with the likes of Fleet Foxes and Mumford & Sons playing.....with the ginger late sun out today, all of a suudden it doesn't feel that far away. Fingers crossed for late release tickets in April.
                     As good as Glastonbury will undoubtedly be, it wasn't the mud of Pilton that drove me to a cyber rant, but the exciting news of a new Arcade Fire tour. An American and European tour. Wait, it gets better- they are being supported by The National, Okkervil River and Local Natives. Wow, that reads like a list of my favourite bands.It's just greedy. But i'm afraid the excitement ends there unless you're from across the pond, as the dates when the above bands are opening for the Fire are all in America. Damn. Almost justifies a transatlantic plane journey, but not quite. 
                       Anyway, for those lucky enough to book a night with Arcade Fire and the illustrious company mentioned above, have fun. I'm not resentful at all. Honestly. Heres a track from the mighty Local Natives' Gorrila Manor, an album everyone should own. Check it out.     

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